Sunday, December 18, 2011

KHS Cheerleading Drama

I just read a Facebook post complaining the KHS cheerleading squad failed to do their sworn duty doing very little on the sidelines of last night's Kodiak High School basketball game when the girls' team stepped on the court. The cheerleaders did their thang for the boys and then split. And this surprises people. The comments were enough to spur me back on here and cry. 

I've written more than once that cheerleading isn't a sport. There is no ball, you don't interact with your opposition, there is no score. It's basically dance team deuce in 1950's uniforms. Have we forgot that program is from a long dead era where boys played ball and girls stayed on the sidelines waiting to give the jocks hand jobs at the dance following the game. Then Title IX came along and chicks could hoop. The sex pots with pom poms were no longer needed but because we men run the f-wording world and liked the hand jobs we kept the lil sluts and pretended it all of a sudden it too was a sport. And everyone went along with it. 

And does the crowd ever follow the "lead" of these gals? No. The modern fan doesn't need instructions. 

So really there shouldn't be cheerleaders at either games. The KIBSD funded popularity pageant needs to go away. Those girls should lace up some high tops or swap the blue/gold skirts for bedazzled tight arse camel toe tights and shake it at halftime to some crappy remix while the conservative parents squirm in the grandstands. 

It is 2011, Larry. Wait, who is the principal now? Anywho, either cut cheerleading all together or make them wash dishes. But keep the kid on mushrooms in the bear costume. A mascot is worth 16 cheerleaders if done correctly.

And enough of this "Lady Bears" moniker. The correct term is SOWS. You don't call the boys team the Dude Bears, maaaaaaan.  Just call the Bears girls' team the Bears girls' team. Just call me right.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree - and you are right on with the 'SOWS' moniker for the ladies team. And to be correct the men should be 'BOARS'. Patrick
