Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kodiak Rapper

Facebook has been ablaze with this Kodiak kid and his "Born and Raised" rap song about, you guessed it, being from here. I've never been able to claim the born part so my remix would be called "Just Raised" which sounds more like a rancher's handbook or barely legal porno. My lil sister was born here and I've tried on several occasions to swap birth certificates to achieve true Kodiak purity with her but she's not cool with it. Probably because she'd gain four years.

Now as a pioneer of hip hop in this town far removed from the urban jungles of Outside you'd think I'd be all about this. But I'm still old school. That means no white rappers. Call me stuck in 1991 but I'd flush them all. Even Eminem and he's actually good at it. Sorry, but El Sandinista is still racist when it comes to his beats. No Asians, Arabs, or Mexicans either. Just brothers. If you've listened to as much PRT as me you might understand. No, you wouldn't understand. 

And when I hear the words "born and raised" together I always immediately think of this...

And if you don't think NWA immediately after the hearing the words "born and raised" together then yer a stupid mudderphutter. 

Plus Mr. Whitekeys pretty well nailed it. 

Anywho, my other problem with it is it just isn't very good lyrically (coughwackedcoughcough).  The chorus is alright but I wrote better schmitt my sophomore year in Mr. Simpler's geometer class. Yes, it's okay for cracker kind to write it, just not perform it. No, I can't tell you how to measure that third side of a triangle.

As for the video, enough with the walking up the beach. Where's f-wording Tony's? The wind turbine money shot? Child, please. B+ for effort, F for no chicks. What kind of rap video doesn't have chicks?

Now I'll tell you what is cool is this lil bastard on KMXT Tuesday nights reviving Techno Tuesdays. DJ Y2Kyle is killing it! Takes me back to my wallflower days (nights) at the club in San Diego. Maybe we can get him to battle Eli and the Funky Bunch. Hell, maybe I'll come out of retirement and trance yer arses off.

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