Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Overheard at the Bar 2/7/2012

HEY, haven't drunk blogged in some time. Let's see what happens! Just got back from ZB and a T-Bar run where I heard a bartender from another bar call out...

"To being single, double shots, and multiple orgasms!"

But I can only have one per round. Sadness. I should have been a woman with me as a man as a partner. WHO SNEEZED BULLSCHMITT? 

The quote probably isn't original. I'm just from here and haven't heard it all. Still, I like it. And two out of three ain't bad. 

Now I'm home with some MGD and two slices of crab pirok...or is it perok? How the f-word to you spell fish pie like a true islander? Maybe the Mirror can take this up as a poll (KMXT would spell it Perrok and I know that ain't right). I saw a third spelling on Facebook tonight. Seriously, I need an answer to this. 

Side note: Anthony's Bar and No Grill has some new "cocktail waitresses" as they are designated. One didn't give me back my quarters on a $3.50 Rainier so you know what that means. Next time I pay 14 coins at a time. For Christescu sake, C'MON MAN, er, woman. You really going to sacrifice a buck tip later or more for laundry money?

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