Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Love for Redheads' Love Juice

Turns out the World's Largest Sperm Bank (no, not that skank I used to date) has started turning down redheaded donors because of too little demand.

Ole Schou, Cryos's director, said that there had been a surge in donations in recent years, allowing the facility to become much more picky about its donors.
"There are too many redheads in relation to demand," he told told Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet. "I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner - for example, the sterile male - has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that's perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case."

Well, there go my plans to make a little extra money on the side.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but in positive news for gingers everywhere, that red-furred seal found on some island in Russia is so darn adorable. Just ignore the fact that its mother and siblings shunned it for representing a genetic mutation.
